- Adult "Vleis moesies" | Health24.
- How can i get red of vlemoesi moesies - Health24.
- Ms Moesie - WW2&History Collection.
- Afrikaans-English dictionary: Translation of the word "vleismeul".
- How to pronounce Moesie | HowToP.
- Vleis moesie in English with contextual examples - Translated.
- B Moesies.
- Boere Rate | Goeie dag aan almal ek soek raad om n vleis moesie te.
- Vleis moesies in English with contextual examples - Translated.
- What does vleis mean?.
- Boererate - Louise Pienaar vleis moesie op oog wat kan ek... | Facebook.
- VLEI | Meaning & Definition for UK English | L.
- Vleis van die toekoms: Dié burgers gekweek uit... - Huisgenoot.
- Gestoofde Bees Resep In Engelse Resep - INDITICS.COM.
Adult "Vleis moesies" | Health24.
Meaning of vleis. What does vleis mean? Information and translations of vleis in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Login. 01 Jan 0001. The spots may be moles, fibroepithelial polyps (vleismoesies) or ordinary moles. The cause and treatment will depend on the nature of the lesions. Have one removed to establish the correct diagnosis. A common cause of vleismoesies is weight gain. Often they develop without an obvious underlying problem.
How can i get red of vlemoesi moesies - Health24.
Skil en fyngekap ui en knoffel. Sny die wortels rofweg. Sit die gekapte beesvleis in 'n houer, voeg 2 eetlepels by. groente-olie en Worcester-sous. Strooi 1 teelepel. sout. Meng die inhoud van die bak. Bedek met 'n kosfilm en sit 15 minute in die yskas, terwyl jy die res van die bestanddele voorberei. 2. Goeie dag aan almal ek soek raad om n vleis moesie te verwyder met huis wenke asb sal kommentaar dop hou dankie.
Ms Moesie - WW2&History Collection.
Skin expert. 22 Jan 2016. This is unlikely to be skin tags (aka 'vleis moesies'). They generally don't bleed unless they are traumatized or infected. There are other much more likely causes - some of which may be serious. Please see a doctor. The information provided does not constitute a diagnosis of your condition. A Scrabble Dictionary, Scrabble Word Finder & Scrabble Cheat to help you with many word based games and apps. Learn to win at any game with our many tools and word lists.
Afrikaans-English dictionary: Translation of the word "vleismeul".
Lemma [ bewirk] vleis ó /vlɛ́i̯s/. ( liefdeil) spierwaefsele van bestumdje liefdeiler, döks mit 't vèt d'rbie. ( aeteswaar) spierwaefsele van bieëster die me kan aeten of deentj es voor veur anger bieëster. ( aeteswaar) de zaachte, aetbaar deil van 'n vröch. ( euverdrechtelik) 't mienselik lief. ( euverdrechtelik) ( ajerwèts) de. Mossie (Afrikaans to English translation). Translate Mossie to Afrikaans online and download now our free translation software to use at any time.
How to pronounce Moesie | HowToP.
Tevrede. Die beste molstrikke - ons kyk na sommige van die suksesvolste lokvalle van tradisionele skêrstrikke tot menslike lewendige vangstrikke. BESTE KEUSE. Die top 6 beste molvalle wat ons in hierdie resensie ingesluit het. Hoe om ontslae te raak van moesies. TOP 6 molval-resensies. 1. Duffus Tonnel Mol Val. Moesie byla římskou provincií, ležící na území současných států Srbska a Bulharska. Moesii ohraničovala na jihu pohoří Balkán a Šar , na západě řeka Drina , na severu Dunaj a na východě Černé moře. Území obývaly zpočátku dácké kmeny, které byly ale v průběhu 2. poloviny 1. tisíciletí př. n. l. postupně vytlačeny migrujícími Thráky a Ilyry.
Vleis moesie in English with contextual examples - Translated.
How to say Moesie in English? Pronunciation of Moesie with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Moesie. Learn vleis in English translation and other related translations from Afrikaans to English. Discover vleis meaning and improve your English skills!.
B Moesies.
1. Verwyder oortollige vet van die vleis en sny dit in blokkies 2 cm. Skil en kap die wortels. Skil en sny die aartappels in blokkies. Skil ui en kap groot. 2. Giet 2 eetlepels in. Groente-olie in 'n braaipan en hitte oor medium hitte. Voeg die vleis by. Kook vir 'n paar minute totdat die blokkies bruin word. Roer vleis tydens rooster. Hierdie vleis ruik sleg. this meat smells bad. Last Update: 2014-02-01. Usage Frequency: 1. Quality: Reference: Anonymous. as my pa vleis braai. my dad barbecue. Last Update: 2018-01-23.
Boere Rate | Goeie dag aan almal ek soek raad om n vleis moesie te.
Louise Pienaar vleis moesie op oog wat kan ek gebruik. Ir a. Secciones de esta página. Ayuda sobre accesibilidad. Facebook. Correo electrónico o teléfono: Contraseña ¿Olvidaste tu cuenta? Registrarte. Ver más de Boererate en Facebook. Iniciar sesión. o. Crear cuenta nueva. Ver más de Boererate en Facebook. The meaning of VLEI is a marshy depression in which water collects in the wet season a temporary lake pan.
Vleis moesies in English with contextual examples - Translated.
Afrikaans English; vleismeul: mangler; masticator; mincer; mincing‐machine: meul: mill; naughts and crosses: vleis: meat; coat; flesh .
What does vleis mean?.
Builder: Rotterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij, Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Supervisor: Scheepsbouw Mij. "Nieuwe Waterweg, Schiedam, the Netherlands. As jy n vleis moesie op jou gesig het dan sal baba ook n vleis moesie op haar gesig het, as jy n verbles het of sy n dogtertjie of seuntjie is verbles sal unfortunately ook daar wees.... If you have a meat moesie on your face then the baby will also have a meat mozzie on her face, if you have a verbles whether she is a girl or a boy is verbles. Noun. 1 South African A shallow natural pool of water. 'Springs and vleis (shallow depressions) were also critical as water sources.'. mass noun Low-lying, marshy ground, covered with water during the rainy season. 'In 1854 the Town of Durban was a small settlement on a sandy plane surrounded by swamps (the eastern and western vlei's) and.
Boererate - Louise Pienaar vleis moesie op oog wat kan ek... | Facebook.
Moesies. Boereraat: Om ´n moesie te verwyder neem 1 vitamien A-kapsule en prik dit met ´n naald. Sit een druppel suurlemoensap op die gaatjie en smeer aan moesie. Doen dit twee keer per dag en die moesie behoort na ´n tyd te verdwyn. ♦♦♦. ´n Alternatiewe metode is om ´n aspirienpil daarop te sit en te bedek met ´n pleister. ♦♦♦.
VLEI | Meaning & Definition for UK English | L.
English translation of the Afrikaans word "moesie". By using our services, you implicitly agree to our use of cookies.
Vleis van die toekoms: Dié burgers gekweek uit... - Huisgenoot.
Contextual translation of "vleis moesie" into English. Human translations with examples: meat, mole, penis, english, lean meat, butt meat, meat moles, meat warts. Skin Tags, Vleis Moesie, DPN, Muis Tepel, Fleshy Growths… In South Africa, we have a lot of ways to express ourselves in the different languages. All the above terms are used to describe a fleshy little flap of skin that appears on our bodies. Are they Dangerous? The correct term to use will be "skin tag". A vlei / f l eɪ / (Afrikaans pronunciation: ) is a shallow minor lake, mostly of a seasonal or intermittent nature. It even might refer to seasonal ponds or marshy patches where frogs and similar marsh dwellers breed. Commonly, vleis vary in their extent, or even in the presence or absence of water, according to the fall of rain or dryness of the season..
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